I Eat Doughnuts Sometimes


Doughnuts were a weekly occurrence, at least, at the place I used to work. It seems more like a monthly thing at my new place of employment.

I never eat work doughnuts at work.

I’m not trying to prove anything by it. I’m not trying to make an, “I’m good you’re bad” statement by not eating the doughnuts.

I don’t think doughnuts are bad. On the contrary, I love doughnuts! I eat doughnuts.

My eating is pretty structured. If I eat a doughnut it’s going to be part of my plan for the day. It will be carefully chosen. I’m not going to eat just any doughnut.

Call it obsessive. Call it disordered. It’s probably a little bit of each of those things.

But, my goal is to make all of my eating purely mindful. To think about the food I’m eating, while I’m eating it and recognize how it’s making me feel.

When I eat a doughnut I want to say to myself, “This is for pleasure.” Because eating is for fuel, for nourishment, and also for pleasure.

Sometimes I eat doughnuts (baked right into a cheesecake) for carbohydrates and for pleasure.