12 Weeks Out-My Workout Schedule for the Next 12 Weeks

{some of my typical dinners}

Tomorrow I will be 12  weeks out from the NPC Southern Idaho Showdown.

I’ve been dieting for a couple of weeks now and progress is slow.  Last year I didn’t really add extra cardio until the last couple of weeks. But, the more I learn, the more I believe I need to incorporate more of it.  The calorie/macro math is pretty simple. The mental game is where the real challenge lies for me and, most people, I think.

It’s time to tighten up my macros and get even more rigid with my workouts. Last year I stuck to my macros, for the most part. But, my diet wasn’t super “clean” (clean = mostly void of processed foods). I used a river of artificial sweeteners, ate a truck load of protein bars, and used a mountain of protein powder.

For the next 12 weeks my diet will consist of fairly “clean”, whole foods. I’m not saying I won’t eat the occasional protein bar but these items won’t play a predominant role like they did last year.

Another thing I plan to change for the next 12 weeks is the rigidity at which I hold to my macros. Last year I almost always hit my calorie and protein goals. But, my fat and carbohydrate intake fluctuated. I want to be exact with my macros this year so I can really see what is, or isn’t, working and why. I want to get a good handle on how my body responds to fat and carbohydrates. My diet is about to take a seriously boring turn!

Another change this year is in my training. I’m not using a trainer or a coach. I’m going to be my own trainer and coach.  I’ll also hit up Ben (my husband who happens to also be a personal trainer) if I need some help with training.

I’ve come up with a new training schedule I will follow for the next 12 weeks. It’s based on some basic training principles mixed with information I’ve gleaned from articles, blogs, vlogs, podcasts, and what I’ve already been doing over the past couple of years.

It’s pretty basic. No magic. Just a lot of hard work!

Weight training:

4 days on, 1 day off 

day 1-quads & calves

day 2-back & biceps

day 3-shoulders, chest, & triceps

day 4-glutes & hamstrings

Cardio & Abs:

4 days per week

Group Fitness (teaching):

3 days per week

Misc. (Boxing & Taekwondo):

1 to 2 days per week

This really is where it comes down to “the grind.” You get in there and you get your work done no matter what! Day after day, you eat your chicken breasts and asparagus. Day after day, you put your miles in on the machines and you take take all your sets to failure!

Want to hop on this train to #shredsville with me?

You don’t have to compete obviously! But, who doesn’t want a better body for summer?

Tomorrow I’ll go over what I’m doing for my diet for the next 12 weeks.

You’re calories and macros won’t be the same as mine but I’ll include some links on how you can figure yours out.  You could start right now by downloading the MyFitnessPal app (It’s free and it’s the app I’ve been using to track for years!).