0 Weeks Out


{Note: These photos don’t really have anything to do with this post. Except: #fitness #fitnessgoals #boxing I just haven’t been taking enough “related content” photos lately and I hate posts without photos.}

My fat loss is on track and my workouts are on track.

My head is not in the game.

I can’t summon “mentally” what this prep. is going to require over the next 10 weeks.

We’re fighting to pay down debt #studentloansarethedevil ! I can’t justify the expense.

I figure I’ve got 8 or 9 years left to compete, if I want to #maybemorewhoknows .

I have a lot of other “body” goals. And, all of them, will push me toward a future competition.

Just typing out those last 8, short sentences gave me some, “much needed” psychological relief.

I actually came to this decision last week. But, it’s by no means a conclusion to contest prep. There’s never really an end to contest prep. as long as you have the desire to compete.

I’m going to be sticking to my, “current” competition prep. macros and workouts until I get to where I want to be, body composition wise, for summer.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday – Low Carb Days

Calories = 1482 per day

Protein = 167 g per day

Carbohydrates = 74 g per day

Fat = 58 g per day

Friday and Sunday – High Carb Days

Calories = 1732 per day

Protein = 173 g per day

Carbohydrates = 173 g per day

Fat = 38 g per day


Old (Stage weight/body fat %) goal: ~118 to 123 lbs., ~9 to 11% body fat

New (Summer #shredsville) goal: ~125 to 130 lbs., ~14 to 16% body fat

If I were still going to compete I would be gradually lowering my macros, and upping my cardio, over the next 10 weeks.

Since I’m not going to compete, I will stick with my current macros and workouts until I reach my summer goal. After that, I’ll probably reverse diet until I can get my calories back up over 2000 calories per day without gaining fat.

The best thing about starting this prep. is that I’m already well on my way to my summer body.

Another huge positive outcome from starting this prep. is that I’ve started working out in the mornings.  I can’t believe the difference it makes in my day! Even if I only get in 20 minutes, it changes my entire outlook on the day!

So, I plan to stick with my workout plan, at least until summer.

Weight training:

4 days on, 1 day off 

day 1-quads & calves

day 2-back & biceps

day 3-shoulders, chest, & triceps

day 4-glutes & hamstrings

Cardio & Abs:

4 days per week

Group Fitness (teaching):

3 days per week

Misc. (Boxing & Taekwondo):

1 to 2 days per week

I have a couple of challenges/goals I want to accomplish over the next few months that might change my workouts slightly over the coming months. But, I don’t have to be quite as rigid about putting in the work no matter what my body is telling me. I can listen to my body more, cut down on the caffeine, and hopefully get more sleep. (In contest prep. you push past your body’s warnings, to a point, to get the results you need.)

I’m actually excited and relieved.

I probably won’t compete again until 2019, or even, 2020. I’m absolutely OK with this! I believe I’ll end up with a better overall package in a year or two if I take a little more time to grow at a more moderate pace that allows my body and mind to work together. For the last few months I feel like they’ve only been “at odds” with each other.

The rest of 2018 will consist of muscle mass growth, improving my flexibility, improving my overall body composition, improving my relationship with food, getting more sleep, listening closely to my body, and making more intentional decisions “overall” regarding my health.

I think that’s more than enough!

#yourshorttermgoalsarekillingyourlongtermprogress  – Layne Norton