Back to the Grind, 10 Things I Love About Dieting, Figure Competition Prep. (17 Weeks Out)

Yesterday marked 17 weeks out from my 2nd figure competition.

I’ve finally, in the last couple of weeks, relocated my motivation.  Winter is a mentally rough time of year for me. I abhor gloomy mornings, grey evenings, and the bitter cold!

It’s still frigid and pitch-black outside by 6 pm. But, my resolve somehow felt its way around in the ice covered night and found me.

This prep is going to be a little more difficult because I don’t have a trainer or coach and because “I know what I’m in for.”  But, this prep, will also be a little easier because “I know what I’m in for. ”

I did everything I told myself I wouldn’t do. I ate “all the food” and gained back more body fat than I wanted to.

I’m trying to be positive by by pretending the fat gain makes my prep a little more dramatic and more of a challenge! Whatever!

For the last couple of weeks, though, I’ve been more or less, “Back in the New York Groove” with my diet. Every day I’m feeling a tiny bit lighter and I’m getting back to my old (diet) hacks/tricks.

It may sound strange but there are a number of things I really enjoy about the challenge of losing fat.

1.) I love it when my clothes start to loosen up.

2.) I love it when I start to become conscious of how my food tastes.

3.) I love the challenge of coming up with healthy meals I actually look forward to. Meals that are satisfying but also fit into my calorie and macro goals.

4.) I love it when I start to notice the sweetness of vegetables.

5.) I love learning and understanding how my body responds to different foods.

6.) I love knowing how to lose body fat correctly (so that I retain as much muscle as possible). (I’m not an expert quite yet. But, I’m on my way!)

7.) I love that diet and exercise fascinate me (that wasn’t always the case).

8.) I love learning new things about diet and exercise.

9.) I love the automatic confidence losing a few pounds of fat gives me.

10.) I love seeing physical progress because it bleeds over into the mental.

Here’s to the next 17 weeks!